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Feeling Impatient? How to Find Calm and Embrace Patience

Photo by Orhun Rüzgar ÖZ

Waiting for something? Sick of waiting for that something? Feeling impatient sucks and it can drag on! But there are ways to navigate this time and actually change your relationship with feeling impatient all together.  

In this article we will explore why it is hard to be patient, How to stop being impatient and some practical tools and tips to help you navigate feeling impatient today! 

Why feeling impatient is hard

It’s always good to understand why we feel the way we do so we can then move on with more understanding and compassion. 

You may be asking yourself, why does waiting feel so hard? In today’s world, it’s especially tough. We live in a culture that thrives on instant gratification—everything from instant noodles to instant movies and even instant messages. We’re so used to getting what we want right away, so when we have to wait, it can feel uncomfortable and unnatural.

The challenge is, patience doesn’t come with that immediate reward. When we’re waiting, it can feel like nothing is happening, and that’s when stress, anxiety, and boredom creep in, making our impatience even worse.

From a human perspective, we’re wired to respond quickly to threats. Patience often feels like we’re not responding to anything at all—especially since our brains crave certainty and control. The truth is, certainty is an illusion, and living with uncertainty is something our minds don’t love. So, when we’re asked to be patient, it feels like we’re battling against our natural instincts.

We live in a culture where patience isn’t always required, and when we do have to wait, it’s easy to get frustrated because, well, it just doesn’t seem necessary!

Think about it—how awkward is it to be patient sometimes? Take a moment to notice what happens when you’re waiting in line. Do you pull out your phone to distract yourself? Tap your feet, fidget, or wonder what to do with your hands? We’re so conditioned to avoid waiting that we often feel uneasy when it happens.

But waiting doesn’t have to feel unbearable! With some practical patience techniques, you can reframe this discomfort and find ease in the process. Here’s a guide on how to be more patient, including mindfulness and patience, tips for managing impatience, activities that teach patience and more! 

Photo by Oleksandr P

1. Create Ease in Your Body and Mind

When you’re struggling to be patient, you might notice a tightness in your body or mind. The best thing to do? Pause, take a deep breath, and notice the sensations.

Ask yourself can I create some ease in my body?

Managing impatience and stress is often about stepping back and grounding yourself. Simple practices like deep breathing, meditating, or mindfulness activities like taking a walk outside can help you feel calm amidst the chaos.

2. Ask Yourself: What Can I Control?

Sometimes we exhaust ourselves trying to control everything. When you’ve done all you can, as hard as it is, it’s time to let go. Here are some affirmations for patience to reinforce that mindset:

  • “I have done everything I can.”
  • “I release the need to control this situation.”
  • “I am learning to practice patience.”

Saying these mantras may create space and give your mind a break from constantly thinking of the thing you’re waiting for. It may actually open you to new creative solutions which is super cool and one of the reasons why being patient is important!

3. Shift Your Focus: Imagine the Best-Case Scenario

We often fall into a habit of imagining the worst, but why not visualize a positive outcome instead? Try to have some fun daydreaming about things working out and then examine how that feels versus the worst case scenario thinking. 

Practicing patience doesn’t mean ignoring what’s going on but changing your view on the situation and embracing the steps to get there. Being present in the journey is a big part of finding peace in waiting and growing more comfortable with uncertainty.

4. Enjoy the Journey

In our destination-focused culture, it’s easy to believe we’ll feel happier “when X happens.” But often, reaching that destination doesn’t bring the huge change we expect. There’s beauty and necessity in the journey itself. I encourage you to get curious about how you’re growing during this time, and you might find inner peace along the way.

5. Find Gratitude

Ask yourself, “What is going well in my life?” or “What am I grateful for today?” Reflecting on what you appreciate can ground you and make waiting feel less consuming when you focus on what is already working well in your life. Writing in a journal can be a great way to tap into this gratitude and help you find inner wisdom I know you have inside! 

6. Break Down the Time

If you’re waiting for something big, try breaking it down into smaller milestones and celebrate! Go grab a coffee, get that art piece you’ve been wanting, that cute plant or visit the hot tub. Celebrating small wins along the way can help you maintain motivation and give you a sense of accomplishment, even while you wait.

7. Engage in Something Productive

Partake in your favourite hobby, read a book, or deliberately go out of your way to spice up your life and try something new. Engaging your mind in an enjoyable activity doesn’t mean escaping; it means filling the waiting period with something valuable. Activities that teach patience—like painting, gardening, or cooking—can even be enjoyable ways to grow your patience muscles. 

Practical Tips to Deal with Impatience

Photo by invisiblepower

When you’re feeling impatient it’s a good time to try to practice shifting your perspective. Making this a growth experience rather than a frustrating obstacle. Here are some simple ways to practice how to be more patient:

  • Try Deliberate Slow-Downs: Use the stove instead of the microwave, go that extra block on your walk in the morning, take an extra long shower. There’s a strong link between mindfulness and patience—give it a go!
  • Experiment with Patience in Everyday Situations: I challenge you when waiting in line, avoid pulling out your phone, just one time! Try to notice the sensations in your body even if you are feeling super awkward and simply observe your surroundings. What is the lady in front of you wearing? What are the conversations being had around you? 
  • Celebrate Small Steps: Instead of focusing only on big results, acknowledge your progress. Practicing patience doesn’t have to be stressful. In fact, it should ultimately bring ease to your life.
  • Forgive Yourself for Impatience: It’s okay to feel impatient sometimes. Learning how to be more patient with yourself is a commitment and is a lifelong journey but you can start to change your relationship with it today! 

Ready for More Support?

If you’re looking for personalized guidance, I offer coaching sessions where we can explore tips for managing impatience and help you set tangible goals in this area (and others). I would love to meet you in an online Connection Call! Together, we can chat about what’s happening in your world, what you’d like to change, and see if coaching is the right fit for you.

And be sure to let me know if any of these tips helped and if you have any additional ones you would like to share in the comments below!

Until next time,

Lee X

P.s if you liked this article be sure to check out a more in depth version on The Be Free With Lee Podcast HERE! x

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Life Coach For Women I Be Free With Lee

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When I started the coaching series I was struggling with low motivation, lack of discipline and low self esteem. I was stuck in a rut and unable to find a way out of that rut. I was hopping to find my drive and my mojo again.  After my first session with Lee I felt confident but also I knew that the road ahead would not be an easy one. The biggest changes I have noticed is my relationship with myself has changed and I am loving who I am more.   It was a pleasure to work with you and have you as a coach Lee. So much Aroha to you. Chur Charles.
Life Coach For Women I Be Free With Lee