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8 Essential oils for travel you need to have in your pack

Essential oils are one of the best things ever invented. They have so many benefits. I can’t leave the house without one of my essential oils. They come in handy in many situations in day to day life. I even use essential oils for travel and am really happy with how they help with jet lag and motion sickness.

Photo credit: Katherine Hanlon on Unsplash

This post will introduce you to the benefits of essential oils for travel and essential oils for jet lag as well as a basic overview of why you should try essential oils for yourself.

Let’s get stuck in.

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Why use essential oils for travel?

Mainly, because they are good in almost any situation. When you’re travelling there can be many different things you need support for whether it’s jet lag, sleep deprivation, motion sickness or simply staying healthy.

Photo credit: Chelsea-shapouri on Unsplash

It’s pretty cool to be able to travel with something that will give you relief and help you in some way without going to a pharmacy.

The most common essential oils are; Bergamont, peppermint, lavender, eucalyptus, frankincense, rosemary and tea tree. You may even have these essential oils in your home without realising their incredible benefits!

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These are probably some of the staples to take travelling because they can help in many situations.

The best essential oils for travel

1. Bergamot

Photo credit: Graphic Node

Bergamot might almost be my all-time favourite essential oil for travel and everyday life. Bergamot is one of the best essential oils for flying anxiety (which I suffer from badly).

Bergamot is an awesome oil for relief if you are feeling nervous or feeling down and stressed. It uplifts, energises and smells amazing!

Some other cool facts about Bergamot is that it is derived from a citrus fruit tree which has a particularly strong aroma of citrus and spice. It can be used to improve blood circulation and serve as an anti-depressant.

It also has antibiotic and disinfectant properties which can help in preventing infections. If you’re suffering from headaches, pains or sprains Bergamont can actually help in easing the feeling of pain in the body. This may come in handy when you’re experiencing jet lag or run down.

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There are probably 100 different benefits from Bergamot oil but a couple more include aiding digestion, skincare, helping body odour (could come in handy when you haven’t showered for days on your van life adventure?), reducing fever and killing germs (Organicfacts).

One of the best essential oils brands is located in Kaikoura in the South Island of New Zealand called Wildflower Botanicals. They smell amazing, work magic and the owner is incredibly talented. Check them out here.

2. Peppermint

The all-time best energiser and one of the best essential oils for focus.

Peppermint oil is magic and has a range of benefits. It is one of my favourite essential oils for motion sickness.

You could probably buy peppermint oil simply for its smell and feel-good aroma. It’s my favourite essential oil for travel when I need to feel awake after a long haul flight or if I need a little energy boost without having a coffee.

Peppermint oil is one of the best essential oils for nausea. It can also help reduce stomach aches and digestive issues. If you suffer from IBS, using peppermint oil or having peppermint tea can be extremely useful.

3. Lavender

Photo credit Leonard Cotte

The all-rounder! One of the best essential oils for meditation and the best essential oils for travel.

Lavender has a range of uses that may come in handy in almost any situation. I often use lavender on my pillow at night to help me sleep or rub it around my ears to help me relax.

Lavender oil has incredible relaxation components as it helps to relieve nervous tension, pain and aids sleep. The calming scent of lavender oil makes it perfect to reduce anxiety and depression symptoms which is great if you suffer from flight anxiety.

If you do suffer from flight anxiety and would like some tips on how to reduce your fear of flying head on over to my post: How To Deal With Your Fear Of Flying. 

4. Eucalyptus

Photo credit: Georgia De Lotz

Getting the cold or flu? Feeling a bit run down while travelling? Eucalyptus is your friend!

Eucalyptus is one of the best essential oils for the flu and an incredible multi-talented oil. I’m sure you’re all aware of its benefits for helping to relieve symptoms of the common cold and flu as tissues are often lined with eucalyptus oil.

It has incredible anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties but it can also help with hair nourishing, itchy scalp, protecting from bugs, help with cold sores, reducing fever and bad breath to name a few benefits (Up-nature).

Definitely useful to pack in your travel bag!

5. Frankincense

Photo credit Christin Hume

The King of essential oils for travel sickness.

Another A list essential oil! Maybe you’re heading skiing on your travels? Or, hiking up a windy mountain? Frankincense is a good essential oil for travel as it can help relieve the effects of dry skin and sunburn.

Don’t apply it directly to your dry skin without diluting it first.

If you’re thinking of having a few cocktails on your travels then Frankincense is probably your number 1 essential oil for travelling as it is known to be a hangover cure!

One of the main reasons I use Frankincense is to help with feelings of stress.

6. Rosemary 

Photo credit Luigi Pozzoli

Perhaps another hangover cure! Rosemary is actually an aromatic herb but has many more benefits than simply tasting nice!

Maybe you’re spending lots of time at the beach on your travels? Rosemary can help to condition hair to make it look healthy!

The main reasons Rosemary can help is to improve your memory, soothe digestive issues and relieve muscle aches and pains. It is an overall great essential oil to take travelling and to have in your house.

7. Tea Tree

Photo credit: Kelly Sikkema

Doing any outdoor activities on your travels? Tea tree oil is one of the best essential oils for bug repellent. And probably your must-have essential oil for travel. Especially if you are travelling through the west coast of the South Island of NZ where sandflies are most annoying! (Learn more about the West Coast here).

Tea tree oil can help you out as it helps to soothe itchy bites and actually works as an insect repellant!

Tea tree oil comes from the leaves of a tea tree and can actually help with all sorts of things. It can be applied to the skin to help treat acne, lice, scabies, athlete foot, cuts, ear infections and even toothaches!

While I was travelling through NZ in my van I used tea tree oil a lot to help my itchy bites, heal scratches and bumps. It’s kind of like a first-aid solution!

If you would like to learn more about travelling NZ in a van check out my Vanlife section here. 

8. My Favourite blend!

I mainly use a mix of essential oils for sleep, anxiety and stress relief, awareness and clarity.

They really help to ease my feelings of depression and anxiety and are particularly useful when I am feeling anxious on planes, trains, buses or even in situations that include talking to a bunch of people or new social situations.

I have definitely found one of my favourites by Inner Essentials and maybe you will love them too. It’s a blend of bergamot, frankincense, juniper, lavender and ylang-ylang aimed at reducing anxiety and stress it also is one of my favourite essential oils for seasickness.

I brought it from a market in Melbourne a few years ago and had to order some more because it is absolutely amazing!

The scent smells wonderful and is extremely relaxing. It helps me snap out of a stressful funk almost instantly when accompanied by a deep breath. I like to use it when I am feeling stressed at work or flying on a plane.

You can buy this blend in 10ml ($14 AUS) or 50ml bottles ($42 AUS) online from the Inner Essentials Facebook page and website. Just message Robyn who is super lovely and can sort you out or, add it to your shopping cart!

My top 2 essential oils for jet lag

All of the above oils can be used in some way to help cure your jetlag but I suggest the following two essential oils for jet lag that have helped me in the past.

  • Peppermint- It is like the Kind Daddy of essential oils helping you in many situations but particularly when you feel sick or like a zombie after travel. I suggest this one for all of your long haul flights!
  • Lavender – Another King Daddy. Sleeping in a dorm room with 8 others? Can’t sleep? Lavender oil should be able to help you out. Feeling stressed on a flight? Lavender oil’s got your back. I can’t rate it enough.

The best essential oil travel mist spray

By now you are aware of the benefits and incredible aroma of essential oils and that’s awesome. But, can you imagine how great essential oils are when transformed into an essential oil spray or mist?!

They provide the ultimate mindfulness tool in an easy access spray bottle, perfect for anywhere you go and small enough to slot into your hiking pack.

My favourite mists are from Combardis Elixirs. They are specially formulated to help you in specific areas such as love, abundance, freedom, clarity, inner strength and a whole lot more.

Karen has created a ray of special blends all designed for a specific mindful purpose unique to how you are feeling.

I can truly say the mists will pleasantly awaken your senses, improve your ability to focus on the area you need support in and leave you with a clear and calm state of mind ready to keep on keeping on!

When travelling you have limited room to squeeze in all the necessities but don’t worry, these mists are 50ml and pretty small. All of the mists have their own special essential oil blend, purified water, natural dispersant and are most importantly filled with LOVE. Below are the details of my favourite mists.

Free The Spirit

free the spirit

This is quite possible my favourite mist. It is so beautifully designed to really create the feeling of being free, perfect for when you are needing some extra confidence while travelling.

When spraying the mist I feel as though I am walking through a beautiful, lush forest full of nourishing trees while at the same time being kissed by the glistening sun, which is beaming down and rejuvenating my spirit.

The personal description on the bottle is:

“Open your heart and mind allowing your authentic and creative energy to flow”.

Followed by the affirmation:

“I am free to be me”.

The Ingredients are:

Lemongrass, Bergamont, Cedarwood and Ylang Ylang.

It smells:

Spicy and woody with an uplifting vibe. The lemongrass is subtle but strong. The touch of bergamot instantly generates feelings of relaxation and calm. The mist is combined really well with a scent that you will want to spray again and again.

You can use it:

When you need to feel awake yet relaxed and are looking forward to a restful break. Maybe even at the airport? The essential oil spray is fantastic to use when you want to create positive energy, have a good weekend and feel excited, rejuvenated and alive.

Highest Potential

highest potential

Reach your potential with this amazing essential oil spray perfectly made to bring out the best version of yourself. I felt instantly alive, happy, awake and ready to start my day as soon as the mist had left the bottle and made its way to my crown.

Everything you were worrying about before is instantly removed from your thought, you will feel as though anything is possible and life is good.

The personal description on the bottle is:

“Remove any limiting beliefs, strengthen your confidence within and strive for the highest”.

Followed by the affirmation:

“I am inspired to be the best version of me”.

The ingredients are:

Sweet Orange, Lime, Geranium, Patchouli, Ylang Ylang and Rose Otto.

It smells:

Zesty. The lime hints stand out the most and linger perfectly on your skin. It smells sweet and tangy like sherbert or a sweet and sour lolly. The Rose Otto also stands out giving it a nice flowery scent. The Sweet Orange hints are crafted beautifully, helping you to feel alive and refreshed.

You can use it:

First thing in the morning or when you need to feel awake. If you want to kick-start your day with good intentions and take control then this mist is the perfect tool. You could even use the mist when you are feeling down, nervous or in need of a confidence boost.

(Cost for both mists mentioned above $30 AUS – International shipping is $15.00 AUS).

Essential oil travel kit 

Now you might want to get a collection of essential oils for travel! How are you going to take them all with you? Try an essential oils travel case like this one on Amazon, or chuck them in your handbag, completely up to you!

Loved this post on essential oils for travel? Be sure to pin the image below to save this article for later! 

a pinterest image of this post on the best essential oils for travel

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